Food & Lifestyle

BEAUTYBAKINGBELLA has been going now for nearly three years so I decide to take the next step and invest in a new and professional blog layout and buy my own domain. I have to say I never thought I would even still have this blog let alone buy the domain for it! I'm am very excited and very grateful that I have so many readers that take the time to read my blog otherwise I would never have bothered to do anything to it. However, I'm glad I have because I feel like its a new direction for my blog and it has inspired me to keep posting and writing about the things that interest me.

Blogging has become a great way for me to find some time to myself and actually have grown up thoughts to myself about things that I like as a person and not a mummy like, baking, food and makeup but on the flip side its becoming a great way for me to sit down and reflect on how I get through each day being a mummy to my beautiful babies.

Over the years I've learnt a lot about the wonderful world of blogging and I'm still learning but one thing that I do know and tell myself is not to feel pressure posting for the sake of posting just so there is one every day. As a blogger I want my posts to be filled with thought and feeling- maybe just thought in my food posts making you all hungry :) but what I'm trying to say is blogging should be an enjoyable experience and thats one thing I've learnt over the past few years and if you are struggling to find your feet with blogging that is the one piece of advice I would of given my novice self. 

For anyone looking for a new blog layout check out pip dig they have so many different varieties depending on what type of blog image you want and the best thing is that it was stress free and easy. They even install the template for you free of charge, thanks Phil :) giving you all the support you need to get your blog looking the way you want.

I would also recommend GoDaddy if you are looking to invest in your own domain name. Why not? A very quick and easy process again and all the support you need is available on the website. Within 48 hours I had my dream blog up and running, as easy as that!

I hope this post has inspired anyone out there that is thinking about starting a blog or maybe even thinking about giving up because you've lost your inspiration. Find your passion and interest and just let the rest flow and enjoy!

BEAUTYBAKINGBELLA is now on Facebook! Like for up to date blog posts :)

Please leave me your blog links in the comments, need some new blogs to read while doing the baby feeds :)

Love & Light

Wow! I can not believe that my last post was in September! Finding the time to sit and write became quite hard hence why I have been MIA for the past 4 months. The last time I posted I was six months pregnant with my second baby and had posted a few posts on how hard and poorly I had been feeling during my pregnancy. Well, it didn't get better for unfortunately.

I'm pleased to say I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by Cristina which is lovely and very unexpected. The liebster award is given to help new and upcoming blogs get recognised and it's a way of making new blogger friends. 
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