Food & Lifestyle

Monday, 20 July 2015

Coco for Coconut Oil

Let's please talk about Coconut oil! Oh my gad! I can't imagine my life without this stuff! What I love about coconut oil is the benefits and the number of different ways you can use it so what better excuse to write about what I love using it for.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

It is a difficult subject to talk about but it shouldn't be one that is avoided. Every pregnancy is different in every woman which can make it difficult to understand different symptoms especially servere morning sickness. This can make a woman feel very lonely, poorly and very emotional and it's important for close friends and family to understand that it doesn't always just go away after the first 12 weeks. I am 17 weeks and still being sick and feeling nauseas all day.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

We Are Having A Baby!

I never did this the first time round so this time I have decided to write about my pregnancy. I want to share my experience as I'm also finding that second time around I am struggling with "Morning Sickness", back pains and rhinitis.
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