Food & Lifestyle

Monday, 20 July 2015

Coco for Coconut Oil

Let's please talk about Coconut oil! Oh my gad! I can't imagine my life without this stuff! What I love about coconut oil is the benefits and the number of different ways you can use it so what better excuse to write about what I love using it for.


Firstly, coconut oil is a fantastic oil to use in the kitchen. It is known as one of the richest sources of saturated fat which up till recently was big a no no, but this type of saturated fats has some amazing benefits for your diet and health that food and health experts have now said its one of the best oils to use in the kitchen. The good fatty acids are great for your metabolism and great for a good source of energy (add some to your next stir fry) will keep your fuller for longer and help to digest your food easier. 

Coconut oil also contains Lauric Acid which is a safe substance often used in healthy and organic products which can kill bacteria and virus' keeping away infections. It natural contains Vitamin E which is great for your skin and hair; promoting a clearer more radiant skin with the benfits of a natural low sunscreen and preventing or repairing damaged hair during the summer and winter months.


I originally read about using coconut oil in cooking and baking as a healthier option with its light and sweet taste it is perfect to use in any meal or cakes. I found it was a great start to eating healthier when it came to a slow and steady weighloss and fitness routine. This is when I discovered Lucy Bee organic coconut oil in Sainsbury's 18 months ago and started following Lucybee on Instagram. For months I just thought it was just used in cooking but when I started reading the posts on her website I saw that the use of coconut oil was endless and the stuff is truly amazing and Lucybee is also fair trade!

I next went on to use coconut oil with Oil Pulling, this craze was strange to me, the thought of swishing oil in my mouth for half an hour made me feel a little weird but I thought why not give it a go. Every morning when I wake up before I do anything else I put a teaspoon of coconut oil in my mouth and slowly start warming the oil in my mouth and start swishing it all about. I started slowly every day from 5 minutes to doing this for longer, I then followed this by brushing my teeth and using mouth wash and my mouth felt cleaner for longer and my teeth looked whiter and healthier. After a while you forget how long you are doing it for when you just continue with your morning routine, it's brilliant!

My daughter has always suffered from a dry skin and during the winter months she can get really red and irratated skin at this time a baby skincare brand Kokoso organic coconut oil followed me on Twitter so I followed back and read about the way coconut oil is safe and effective for babies and toddlers so I decided to purchase my first tub, it worked wonders and she loved the feel of her skin after and even liked applying the oil herself. Kokoso is now available in Boots so you can pick it up with your other toiletries. 

I would also recommend coconut oil during pregnancy not just for healthy eating but, I found eating a few tablespoons throughout the day helped with reducing my pregnancy rhinitis and helped my morning sickness. Coconut oil being naturally enriched with vitamin E makes coconut oil perfect for moisturising, preventing irritation and dryness on the skin helping ease the stretching of the skin (stretch marks). 

There are still many different ways I still need to try using coconut oil like shaving my legs, hair mask, face mask, homemade lip balms; this list is endless. So look out for my future posts of my new discoveries and wonders of coconut oil. 

LUCYBEE and KOKOSO BABY are my favourite Organic Coconut oils if you don't have theses in your house I suggest you pop it on your next shopping, you will never look back.

Love & Light



  1. Wow, thanks for all the details on the health benefits! Reckon I'll try it out :D

    Paris x

    1. Go for it! :) Let me know how you get on!

      Pinar xo


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