Food & Lifestyle

It has been a long time since I did some baking and I forgot how much I loved it! 

This time my 3 year old daughter asked to help and I must admit even though it took twice as long I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how happy she was helping me bake cakes. 

So we decided to share a few photos, the recipe we used and the finished cakes below for you all to see. 

We hope you are all enjoying your Easter Holidays with your families and eating lots of chocolate eggs :)

January has been a very busy month for me which meant that I haven't found much time to do any of my I took this an excuse to bake my mother a birthday cake :) I decided to do what I do best but on a larger scale, a Giant Cupcake. This was my first attempt and it turned out surprisingly well. So below I am sharing the ingredients and some tips to create a beautiful birthday cake. 

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