Food & Lifestyle

It is a difficult subject to talk about but it shouldn't be one that is avoided. Every pregnancy is different in every woman which can make it difficult to understand different symptoms especially servere morning sickness. This can make a woman feel very lonely, poorly and very emotional and it's important for close friends and family to understand that it doesn't always just go away after the first 12 weeks. I am 17 weeks and still being sick and feeling nauseas all day.

I never did this the first time round so this time I have decided to write about my pregnancy. I want to share my experience as I'm also finding that second time around I am struggling with "Morning Sickness", back pains and rhinitis.
Another occasion means another excuse to create a wish list of gorgeous clothing to celebrate the day      of love. Recently I have fallen in love with River Island and their new items are just so stunning. After a couple of recent trips into my local store I decided that River Island is my brand of choice at the moment so I decided to use the items I fell in love with to complete my wish list for my Valentine's Day!
It seems to be a chore when it comes to healthy eating but it really shouldn't be that difficult. Experimenting with vegetable, spices and herbs with your protein is a great way to keep a balanced diet. I have found that a lot of the time when you make homemade food from scratch preparing is the slowest part but if you get into a routine of cooking healthy and preparing lunches and dinner, being a chore is a thing of the past. So get in the kitchen and enjoy cooking this amazing meal in just 20 minutes. 

I have to admit I have been a bit delayed in writing this post as this trip was in December but with the excitement of Christmas and half a dozen birthdays over the Christmas and New Year period I have been a bit lazy in taking the time to sit down and organise myself with my posts. (I should of made it a new years resolution!)
This is one of my daughters favourite dishes, its quick and simple and guaranteed to be enjoyed by all the family. I found that this delicious recipe was a great way to fit protein into my daughters diet as she loves her fruit and veg but is very fussy when it comes to eating meats. This recipe can be created to personal taste using different meats substituting chicken for either turkey, pork or beef. 

Last week I posted a piece on a charity event I recently attended. The event had a Black Tie dress code, so when it came to choosing an outfit, I knew straight away I needed to buy a new one as I have never been to a Black Tie do and had nothing sitting in my wardrobe which deemed suitable to wear.
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