Food & Lifestyle

Broccoli and Cauliflower Cheese has always been a favourite of mine especially when I was a child. My Mum would make this as a side dish either along side one of her amazing roasts or fish dishes. It is also a great dish to create for a weaning baby because it is full of the goodness from the vegetables and the calcium from the milk and cheese. You can make a big batch of this dish and reheat the next day or even freeze for another day as well as placing it into small pots for your baby.

I love a sweet treat and when its a healthy sweet treat I love it even more. Recently I have really been loving oat based cookies and they are a great alternative to a box of custard creams (even though they are my favourite!) I like to keep my eating habits clean and healthy as possible and love playing around with different recipes to get one that is right for me and my family.

I love burgers but I hate getting the frozen ones or ready made ones as they are alway so fatty and you can never be too sure what kind of meat has been used. So I decided to make some beef burgers for the family using all fresh ingredients, adjusting my recipe for Turkish köftes, I made a simple and easy to do beef burger recipe. This is so quick and easy to make when you haven't got a lot of time to make dinner, I have used this recipe a few times and it has always been a hit with my family.

I'm one of these people that don't believe in diets and skipping meals. I love food, I really do! If I don't eat for a few hours I actually get "hangry" (a combination of hungry and angry, if you have never come across this type of person before). On a serious note, the best way to keep healthy and fit is to make sure you eat 3 main meals a day and 'healthy snacks' in between. It is also important to eat the right types of food for your body depending on how much and when you exercise. For me I eat a lot of protein, this gives me plenty of energy to get me through the day as well as helping me get my body back to pre-pregnancy shape. Good protein in your diet is great for reducing tummy fat and helps with skin stretching back to normal.

New Year's Day was my daughter Melis' 4th birthday so we decided to go into Central London for the day. So we got to the train station and boarded the train and as you can imagine Melis was very excited about our train ride to London.

This recipe is a great filling lunch for one, full of good fats and protein, perfect for a post-work out meal. I will be honest; this concoction came together by pure fluke with left over ingredients left in the fridge and resulted in this wonderfully enjoyable meal one afternoon.

Chicken and mushroom pie is my all time favourite pie but I have a confession, I have never had a traditional English Pie, Mash and Liquor.. it is on my list of things to do! But for the time being a homemade pie is my next best thing, I'm not a fan of buying the shop made pies as you can never be sure what type of meat has been used or have control on the amount of salt used. This recipe is so easy to follow and using puff pastry instead of short crust makes it quicker and easier to make. 

Growing up I loved my Mother's winter soups. Autumn/ Winter is my Mums favourite time of the year and it really reflected in her cooking as she would make completely different meals for me and my sisters. She would cook stews, different types of soups and Turkish soups and more comfort food style meals served with warm breads and rice.

Halloween may be over but it is still pumpkin season and if you love vegetables like butternut squash you will love some pumpkin in your winter dinners. Pumpkins can also be used in sweet dishes and this recipe is on of my favourite Turkish pastry treats, filled with pumpkin, raisins, rice and sugar, it makes the prefect filling for some bread like pastry bakes that are perfect with a nice pot of tea during the autumn/ winter months. 

I've mentioned before how much we love chicken in our house and this was the same growing up. My  Nene and Mum would always use chicken in all their cooking, whether it was chicken wings to create a broth for homemade soups or roasted chicken of some sort. This recipe is one that reminds me of my childhood, Roasted Chicken Thighs, Turkish Cypriot style! This recipe is so easy to make and you can just leave it to cook in the oven for hours and it makes the house smell so delicious. If you like more red meat in your diet this recipe can be used with Lamb Necks, which is another dish my Mum would make.

We love fruit in our house, we have fruit snacks all the time. Melis is really into baking at the moment and she asked for some banana cakes, so we decided to make some muffins. We had so much fun making these and they were so easy to make and very tasty. We enjoyed them as a treat with a lovely cup of Roobios tea.

Time literally got away from me the last few weeks and its been a whole month since I last blogged, I have been super busy with my babies and family things. This month beautybakingbella is back with new regular posts. 

Here is a lovely dish that I threw together a few weeks ago and absolutely loved and was a winner with the whole family. It is so quick and easy to make and even my 9 month old loved it. 

Wednesday's seem to have become a baking day in our house. This week on GBBO it was Biscuit Week so Melis and I decided to bake some Short- Bread Biscuits. We have been experimenting with Gluten free foods and recipes lately so we decided to incorporate this in our baking too. We had so much fun baking these and Melis has really taken to being in the kitchen and making lots of food and sweet treats with me, which I am loving. So here are a few photos and our Gluten Free Vanilla Shortbread Biscuits..

Last night the Great British Bake Off 2016 kicked off and in honour me and my little princess baked a cake and in true beauty baking bella style we decided to create our own recipe of a healthier (if thats possible) cake recipe that my little girl could enjoy as well as I on my healthy eating journey. I don't believe in diets and weigh-loss programmes, I believe eating well and weekly exercise is key to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Here is a quick and easy recipe that is a great source of protein, great for a post work out meal and a great one for meal prep for the next day or for later, as you can freeze it too. In my house we love chicken but it is nice when we change things up a bit and use beef, lamb or even turkey. This is a yummy beef recipe that can be cooked to how ever you like your steak cooked and it really is so easy to make. 

I love Baking! I have loved baking since I was a little girl, I was always in the kitchen with my mum and Nene's (Grandmother's) cooking and baking up lots of turkish food and sweet pastries, cakes and all sorts. I find baking so therapeutic and calming and one day I would love my little babies to enjoy cooking and baking with me. Melis is already showing signs that she likes being in the kitchen with me as she asks me all the time if we can make cakes.

I love chicken! Chicken is my favourite meat and in my house we have it at least two to three times a week. Its such a good source of protein and if cooked in a healthy way a great compliment to your daily veggies and salads. This recipe is great for a light and healthy but filling meal perfect after a busy day or as a post-gym meal and its a winner with the kids! 

When I make a paella I always seem to have some chorizo left over and late one Sunday morning I decided to use it to make a Spanish Style Brunch.

The summer weather can make planning dinner a little difficult when you have less of an appetite and the kids are too busy playing in the garden to stop for food. So I threw together a quick and easy dinner for the whole family, keeping it healthy and nutritious and would be perfect meal prep for lunch as well as dinner the next day. Here is my recipe for a lovely and healthy summer pasta salad..

I love experimenting with food, if I go somewhere and taste something I love I will come home and try and recreate my own version. I love cooking up new recipes and trying to change things up a bit but sometimes its nice to keep things nice and simple. 
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